Thursday, August 14, 2008

Might as well face it, I am addicted to blogs!

I have found so many cool blogs recently I even have a little folder titled "blogs" tee hee.
My husband thinks I am crazy, my kids wonder who in the world these people are and I, well let's just say I love reading about how people live their lives. Its like reading a book actually. My most recent favorite book I read was Such a Pretty Fat by Jennifer Lancaster click here to see her blog. I got a little obsessive (such as staying up until 3 am one night reading it because I couldn't stop laughing!) so I had to stop reading them for a few months. I tend to do that, get really obsessive over something and have to stop for a bit to collect myself. So blogs is the new thing. I love writing one, reading several and talking about them often, I am sure my co workers and friends are like What in the world SHANNA! Stop it already. Could be worse I could be out poking peoples eyes! Be thankful its just reading blogs.


Jax said...

I am right behind you in checking out other people's blogs too. I always worry that they are going to think that I am some sort of creepy stalker or something. I assure you I am not that interesting :)
Also read your profile. I am also obsessed with Tupperware. I have had the obsession most of my life. I even sell it just for the discount. It is usually the first thing I look for at a garage sale. I have a problem :)

Kristin Coppee said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. It's good to know people actually read what I write because I write to entertain. Life is rough around here, so I make fun of it to escape the reality. I figure if everyone else is laughing about my life, then it must not be so bad.

Thanks for stopping in. I am a major blog stalker myself. I work from home in a typing job, but find myself reading other blogs more than working. It's a nice escape.

Do you mind if I link up to you? I think it's fun to go around and read and comment on people's blogs because I like when people do it to me.

Jax said...

You bet you can link to me and I have already put one to your on my blog. I write for my own therapy and to chronicle the everyday things of my life that I am sure to forget in a couple years or so. As you can tell I like to put pictures with everything to help with my memory. If other people check me out, it's an added bonus :)

You didn't have a location on your profile, but I saw a picture of Bonneville in one of your posts. Are you in the NW?

I'm in the Portland area. Lost in Suburbia. :) It's nice to meet you!

Amy *aka willa* said...

I am a huge blog stalker too. Blogs I shouldn't read, train wreck blogs, mundane blogs, shocking blogs, whatever man...LOL