Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I spy with my little eye..........something shiny and black!

Yup you guessed it the cute little shoes below.

You might ask where do I get such cute shoes? First let me tell you they are Crocs! What was that? Are you calling me a liar?? Well go see for yourself here You by crocs What was that? You are sorry? Okay I forgive you, but just wanted to let you know there are 2 things I do not lie about and one of those things is shoes and since you appologized I will let you know a little secret.


You can get some of these babies for free by entering at Classy Chaos please if you do win them (which I am really hoping I DO) take pictures and treat them good, like I would have and if I win them don't hate participate! We can even have croc playdates in the park where we are all wearing high heels chasing our children. Loves it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just me and my boy.....

Going back to a store by himself

$2.00 hard earned!

Mmmmmm... love me some chinese.....

..............On the way to the mall............

13 is a really fun age, we can talk about lots of things and have a good time. I do not have to worry about fits because he needs a nap and I can give him a budget and he can comprehend what that means.

Yesterday I took Andrew shopping at the mall, he had money he saved from babysitting plus the money I gave him for school shopping and went to town. He still has enough left for his school supplies and shoes. It was awesome to see him counting in his head how much he spent and how much was left and if the item he was thinking about it really worth the amount they want for it. He got some great deals which he was happy about and now he shops in the big kid stores like Pacific Sun (his new favorite place). We shopped until we dropped and we even earned $2 by taking a 30 minute survey for some poor lady training to get just one more person ( I am a sucker I swear) we had Chinese for dinner and even thought about going and seeing a movie. It was awesome just to have some time with my little man, just him and I.

Love that kid...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Might as well face it, I am addicted to blogs!

I have found so many cool blogs recently I even have a little folder titled "blogs" tee hee.
My husband thinks I am crazy, my kids wonder who in the world these people are and I, well let's just say I love reading about how people live their lives. Its like reading a book actually. My most recent favorite book I read was Such a Pretty Fat by Jennifer Lancaster click here to see her blog. I got a little obsessive (such as staying up until 3 am one night reading it because I couldn't stop laughing!) so I had to stop reading them for a few months. I tend to do that, get really obsessive over something and have to stop for a bit to collect myself. So blogs is the new thing. I love writing one, reading several and talking about them often, I am sure my co workers and friends are like What in the world SHANNA! Stop it already. Could be worse I could be out poking peoples eyes! Be thankful its just reading blogs.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What happens when?

Get 6 adults, 6 dogs (4 of them being boxers) and 11 children together??
A darn good time! We got back late last night from our last camping trip for the summer. We had a blast despite me rolling my 4 wheeler on top of me (Thank goodness for protective gear) today my left side is pretty sore but no broken bones! YAY! I am glad we didn't get there on Thursday because they had a huge rain/hail storm that soaked all the tents and clothes and I probably would have cried We had many around the camp fire laughs where I earned the name of Fraken Jaw (why do I always get the nicknames?) and laughed until we cried. But I am home now and thankfully have the day off to recover my sore body and do some much needed housework. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

...Roxy the boxer formerly known as Molly...

Ahhh to be a dog! All play and no work makes a tired duo!

Is working out SO well! I remember Jessica being so much more work to take care of but I think first puppies are like first babies, you really aren't sure what to expect and just remember it being a huge change, then when #2 comes along it a breeze! She has only had a few accidents in the house and those have been by the door in the kitchen. She follows Jessica around like Jessica is her idol and Jessica really likes her too and will let her know when she has had enough of the biting, climbing and chasing. She's a good big sister. :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dog days of summer

Welcome to the family little Molly! 8 week old baby boxer!

Little Molly
Jessica the best beagle in the whole wide world

Athena lover of all animals