Sunday, November 30, 2008

A family that ROCKS together.... Stays together!!

Holy shit! I never knew that I could sing Black Hole Sun like it ain't no thang! I just got done scoring a 96%, yeah it was on easy but I did it!!

Rock Band is the shiz. I am now drinking coffee listening to my Tink (who is a shy singer like I am) belt out Enter Sandman by Metallica! Whoever made these games are genius. Not only is it fun to do in the privacy of your own home (Don't expect to see me trying Karaoke anytime soon) but if you did see me know that I have been practicing for it and it wasn't just an unthought through decision, but its also fun to see your kids participate and sing along to Beastie boys, ACDC, Metallica and other the other favorite bands from back in the day.


Me said...

I agree that game is fun!

King of New York Hacks said...

Better than singing in the shower !!